RV Institute of Technology

Mobile: 9951222238,48,68,78
Email: principal@rvit.edu.in



To be an affiliated college of JNTUK, Kakinada University, the college has adopted many measures to groom the students more responsible towards our mother Nation despite of limited curriculum of the university. Field Projects, Internships, Fabrication based Real Time Engineering Problems, Coding Competitions, Industry based Expert Lectures, Online Tests, etc. are the part of the curriculum to enhance experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies.

Tutorial classes and utilization of the multimedia teaching aids like videos, online materials and PPTs are incorporated in the day-to-day teaching learning process that enablesthe students’ understanding of the subject.

A mini theatre has been arranged to screen the technological updates under the supervision of faculty concerned, approved by the HOD and the Principal.

Guest lectures by expertise from the industry and academia are organized by the respective departments, for the transformation of the knowledge beyond the prescribed syllabus.

Students are facilitated to enhance their knowledge and skills by the webinars arranged by the college management.

As the part of the curriculum, Communication Language laboratory has been arranged for students to improve their effective English communication and proficiency besides the arrangement of the soft skills training slots in the time table, where the students are trained properly by the expertise to improve their presentation and communication skills.

The management encourages the administration to organize Fests, Symposiums(RVIT SPOORTHY POLYFEST, etc) where the student participate in the inter collegiate events like project contests to explore the students innovative abilities.

The college Fest under the name RVIT SPOORTHY (an independent event) has been organised for the past six years by our students are voluntarily with the stand of the management and faculty.

The management has arranged industrial visits and value added courses to give hands-on experience to the students. Our campus is enabled with Wi-Fi facility that allows students to access technical resources.

In view of moulding the students with multi dimensional personal traits the college has formed the NSS unit and involved the volunteers in various socio, cultural service oriented activities.

The college management has given the enormous support to the maintenance of a state of art central library, which is equipped with a number of volumes of the books on the core areas and e-books, technical magazines, journal, e-journals and NPTEL lecture videos which serves as a knowledge resource centre.

The students and faculty are motivated to register for online NPTEL Certificate courses in addition to their regular curriculum. The management reimburses 50% of the examination fees if they score more than 80% and 100% reimbursement for those who score more than 90%.

The management encourages the faculty to use modern teaching pedagogy, besides conventional classroom teaching practices. The computer laboratories with Internet Connection allow the students to sharp their knowledge and skills. Faculty, to be the part of teaching involve the students in group discussions, seminars, presentations for better understanding of concepts.

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