RV Institute of Technology

Mobile: 9951222238,48,68,78
Email: principal@rvit.edu.in

College Overview

About Us

RV institute of technology (RVIT) (Formerly Chebrolu Engineering College) is started in 2008 with a group of young technocrats who are settled in software industry, core industry and academicians. It is sponsored by SRI VISWESWARAIAH EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY which is established in 2006. The name of the society shows the commitment of the society towards technical education and development of the nation. The students inclination towards R&D activity is the asset of this institution which leads to selected an idea in MSME idea contest. Armed with a pedagogy that's centered on inculcating a strong acumen for research

Institutional Functions

RV Institute of Technology caters to the responsibilities and complies with the code of statutory bodies for Technical education- All India Council for Technical Education.

The requirements of the statutory bodies are accomplished in all aspects. The norms are followed in following aspects:

  • Faculty qualifications
  • Norms for intake and Number of Courses
  • Norms for Land requirement and built up area for technical institution
  • Norms for books, journals library facilities, computer, software, internet, printers and laboratory equipment for technical institutions
  • Suggested subscriptions of e-journals
  • Prevention and prohibition of ragging by constituting anti-ragging committee
  • Constituting women grievances cell to minimize the harassment against girl students and lady faculty
  • Providing guest lectures by resource persons in various departments

Code of Conduct & Ethics

Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism for PG Students This Institute is committed to promoting and maintaining high standards of integrity and accountability in the conduct of academic research and is keen to embed and endorse the culture of honesty and transparency in all its institutional activities. The institute strives to preserve academic honor and integrity by repudiating all forms of academic and intellectual dishonesty, including plagiarism For ensuring originality of the content every research paper will be checked by online anti-plagiarism software Every Research Scholar/Student of the institute pursuing masters degree has to check his/her final thesis using plagiarism detector before submission The thesis is allowed for submission only if the plagiarism checker shows similarity less than that prescribed by the university norms.

Code of Conduct Committee

Code of Conduct Committee

S.No Name Designation Department Role
1 Dr. R.V. Krishnaiah Principal CSE Director
2 Dr. G. Ramanjaiah Assoc. Professor CSE Member
3 Ch. Hari Babu Assoc. Professor ECE Member
4 Dr. Shabana Assoc. Professor S&H Member
5 Dr. V. Dinesh babu Assoc. Professor CSE Member
6 Dr. A. Raghavendra Rao Assoc. Professor S&H Member
7 Dr. Sameera Assoc. Professor S&H Member

Making the education to be a Source of livelihood through the institution for the down-trodden students

Objectives of the practice:

To make the students associating their skills, knowledge and competencies for various activities through the system of education.
To make the students getting their provision of livelihood through their knowledge and cope with the opportunities for their well-being.
To equip the students with knowledge of research methods and applying to the needs of the society through the contribution of technology for the improvement of socio-cultural settings and for the transformation of technical knowledge.

The Context:

The management viewed the social-cultural milieus of the students is not enough to make the students cope with the required level of competitions in the open market.
The management felt that the students along with program outcomes, course outcomes, they must be enabled to be trained like some programs in the respective program or courses.
The HODs of the respective departments located the students from less-privileged community and areas, promoted them towards the skilled programs as the special training was arranged by the management on their own initiation like web designing, python programming, data mining, cutting-tools, Surveying etc.


The management called for several resource persons for the training sessions.
Each of the student of the less privileged sections has been provided Rs 10,000/- incentives for the program outcome.
The management recommended the Alumni funds to organize the workshops, industrial visits and the other life skills program.

Problems encountered and resources required:

Identification of the students deserved for the support.
Motivating the students through the practice of orientation programs, announcing the cash prizes for the novel, and thought-provoking ideas and projects.
Collection of the funds from various trustees, associations, and organizations.

Evidence of Success:

The college has stated that the program outcomes, course outcomes are successfully on progress-stream.
The students who were benefited with the training are running the workshops in their respective areas with continuous support of faculty, alumni, and other resources.
Every piece of development of the latest program steps are effectively communicated through the college website and other means of communicative procedures.

RVIT: Making the education to be a Source of livelihood through the institution for the down-trodden students

Objectives of the practice:

To make the students associating their skills, knowledge and competencies for various activities through the system of education.

To make the students getting their provision of livelihood through their knowledge and cope with the opportunities for their well-being.

To equip the students with knowledge of research methods and applying to the needs of the society through the contribution of technology for the improvement of socio-cultural settings and for the transformation of technical knowledge.

The Context:

The management viewed the social-cultural milieus of the students is not enough to make the students cope with the required level of competitions in the open market.

The management felt that the students along with program outcomes, course outcomes, they must be enabled to be trained like some programs in the respective program or courses.

The HODs of the respective departments located the students from less-privileged community and areas, promoted them towards the skilled programs as the special training was arranged by the management on their own initiation like web designing, python programming, data mining, cutting-tools, Surveying etc.


The management called for several resource persons for the training sessions.

Each of the student of the less privileged sections has been provided Rs 10,000/- incentives for the program outcome.

The management recommended the Alumni funds to organize the workshops, industrial visits and the other life skills program.

Problems encountered and resources required:

Identification of the students deserved for the support.

Motivating the students through the practice of orientation programs, announcing the cash prizes for the novel, and thought provoking ideas and projects.

Collection of the funds from various trusties, associations and organizations.

Evidence of Success:

The college has stated that the program outcomes, course outcomes are successfully on progress-stream.

The students who were benefited with the training are running the workshops in their respective areas with continuous support of faculty, alumni and other resources.

Every pieces of development of the latest program steps are effectively communicated through the college website and other means of communicative procedures.

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