RV Institute of Technology

Mobile: 9951222238,48,68,78
Email: principal@rvit.edu.in


B. Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering):

Electrical and Electronics Engineering deals with the invention, design, development and commercial applications of electrical and electronics systems, components and devices. There is a wide variety of domains to which it applies. Among the most the well-known fields, just to name a few are, Electrical Power Generation and Transmission, Control Systems, Communications, Robotics, Electronics and Nanotechnology. The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Program was started in the year of 2008 and the present intake is 30. The department is catering to the needs of the industry by training students to make valuable contribution. The Department is endeavoring to produce highly trained and capable engineers, who can take up the challenges of the real world. The Department focuses on uncompromising academic standards in imparting both theoretical and practical instructions with a view to prepare professional engineers. The faculty of EEE has healthy blend of elderly, richly experienced and qualified young dynamic teaching and non-teaching faculty with institutional, research and industrial expertise. The department is headed by Prof.Ch.Hari Babu, with vast Teaching experience and is ably supported by 11 faculty members maintaining 1:15 ratio. The faculty strives to foster and encourage a teaching methodology that is both practical and theoretical in approach tuning to the requirements of the latest developments in research and industry in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The department has well established laboratories with sophisticated equipment supplementing the academic needs of the students. The lab facilities are being upgraded from time to time, to provide adequate opportunities for the students to learn and innovate.

The department is actively engaged in research. The efforts are directed towards reorienting the laboratories to establish close relation with industry. The department has been organizing short term training programs, seminars, workshops, guest lectures by experts, technical & non-technical student fests regularly. The department is working for the improvement of Industry – Institute Interaction in terms of academics & research and for the development of infrastructure to match the needs of the industry. The department is striving hard to attain & sustain as a centre of excellence in Electrical engineering education & research with a holistic approach.

The students are encouraged to present papers and to participate in seminars conducted in other engineering colleges/ universities. A variety of academic activities are conducted under the auspices of student’s professional chapters. Many IEEE journals are subscribed.

Educational tours and industrial visits are regularly organized to enhance the practical knowledge of the students and to keep them abreast with the latest technological applications in various industries so that their employability skills are enhanced.

Alumni Chapter is in existence and regularly interacting with them to get feedback with regard to academic, placements etc. matters. Their suggestions are taken into consideration in various developmental activities of the department. Many of our alumni are pursuing their higher studies in IITs and reputed universities, abroad. More than 70% of the eligible students are being placed in reputed companies in every year.

M. Tech (Power Systems):

The department offers a two year full time M.Tech program in Power Systems with an intake of 19, duly approved by AICTE, New Delhi, for the students who have B.E./B.Tech./AMIE in Elecrical & Electronics Engg. (or) Equivalent / Electrical Engg. The course is offered by the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. Intake to this course is 18, selected through GATE / AP PGECET.

The course provides a sound foundation to pursue a career in system-level modeling analysis, design and integration of motor drives, through a diverse range of theoretical skills and practical experience, presented in the context of real applications and design experience. Projects of practical relevance are to be taken up by every student during third and fourth semesters.

The Teaching Staff and profile
SNO Name Designation Qualification Experience No of Publications
1 Dr GRK Murthy Profesor M.Tech, PhD 37 16
2 Ch.HariBabu Asst.Prof M.Tech,(PhD) 15 5
3 N.Archana Asst.Prof M.Tech,(PhD) 5 1
4 A.Vijaya Krishna Asst.Prof M.Tech 10 2
5 D Roopa Bharathi Asst.Prof M.Tech 10 1
6 G.Maheswara Rao Asst.Prof M.Tech 6 1
7 M Sai Asst.Prof M.Tech 3 1
8 K Naresh Asst.Prof M.Tech 3 1

Attainment of Program Outcome

Click to Download Attainment of 2016-Batch

Click to Download Attainment of 2017-Batch

Click to Download Attainment of 2018-Batch

Click to Download Attainment of 2019-Batch

Click to Download Attainment of 2020-Batch

Click to Download Attainment of 2021-Batch

Click to Download Attainment of 2022-Batch

Click to Download Attainment of 2023-Batch

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