RV Institute of Technology

Mobile: 9951222238,48,68,78
Email: principal@rvit.edu.in


RV Institute of Technology was constituted in 2008, under Sri Visweswaraih Educational Society – Education for Liberation by a group of eminent professionals and industrialists with vast experience in educational system. The members of the society are experienced in running educational institutions of repute and industries in the region.

Dignitary Profile

Dr. Ravilla Venkata krishnaiah

Principal of RV Institute of Technology

He envisioned a technological revolution and committed himself to establish an institution, to foster technical and higher education. Since his young age he showed great flair in managing and nurturing educational institutions, for whom quality is the way of life. Under the dynamic leadership of Sri. RV Krishnaiah, RVIT is reinforcing its position as an institution of eminence in Guntur and beyond.

Mr. Ravilla Vamsi Krishna

President of RV Institute of Technology

Mr. Krishna brings a wealth of industry experience in software development to the classroom, specializing in Big Data and Machine Learning. He combines his practical knowledge with effective teaching methods to empower students for success in their studies and future careers within the ever-evolving tech industry.

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