RV Institute of Technology

Mobile: 9951222238,48,68,78
Email: principal@rvit.edu.in


1. MHRD-AICTE Recognized Institute Innovation Council (IIC) is established in 2019.

Epnosys Pvt Ltd is the incubatee and graduated and started the business on ERP Solutions. Two incubatees are in progress without financial assistance.

2. MSME Incubation Center is established in 2020.

One Incubatee (Student) idea was funded by MSME of Rs.15 Lakhs to convert to Product.

3. Atal Community Incubation Center(ACIC) is applied for approval in 2020

4. Startup India Incubation Center is established in 2021

List of Projects done by our students:

    1. Voice Controlled Smart Dumpster (15 Lakh Fund SanctionD by MSME under Idea Hackathon)
    2. Automated Drainage Cleaner
    3. Fabrication of Mini Tractor
    4. Fabrication of Paddy Thresher
    5. Automated Coconut Fiber Peeler
    6. Ecofriendly push-operated spray pump
    7. Voice Command Notice Board
    8. Speech to Text Conversion
    9. Ground Water Recharge by Percolation Pit
    10. Research on Identifying Parameters for Detection of Tampered Documents Uploaded to Online Portal
    11. GSM Based Energy Meter Reading System and Load Control
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